In his book “To the Heart of the Matter”, Bert Hellinger discusses an example of breast cancer.
Hellinger: When did the breast cancer start?
Patient: Ten months ago. I’ve already had surgery. Things are going well now.
Hellinger: What would you like to ask me?
Patient: If possible, I hope to gain some reassuring thoughts from you to help me stay healthy. I'm afraid my condition might worsen again someday.
Hellinger: Imagine you were now convinced that you would always remain healthy. How does that feel?
Patient: I understand—that seems very unrealistic.
Hellinger: That’s unfortunate; it isn’t good for your soul. The right approach is to hold your illness in your heart and coexist with it with care, respect, and even fear.
Hellinger then said to the patient: "I see another image—who does this illness represent? I see your mother. I have often noticed that many women with breast cancer would rather die than bow down to their mothers. True healing comes from love and humility."