Chou, Ting Wen (Netra)
First Systemic Constellation Coach in the Chinese-speaking world
Pioneer in promoting Systemic Constellation in Asia
Chairman of two sessions of the Asian Conference of Systemic Constellation
Founder of the former Hellinger Institute Taiwan
Over 20 years of experience in the research and promotion of systemic psychology
Guest speaker at local and international workshops
Conducted over 10,000 systemic constellation cases
Best-selling author
Area of Expertise:
Certified Psychologist in Taiwan. Spent over 20 years in the research and promotion of systemic psychology (including Family System Constellation, Organizational Constellation and Inter-generational Family Therapy)
Professional Experience
Licensed Psychologist in Taiwan
Master’s in Psychology & Counseling, Tamkang University
Participation in large-scale International Academic Workshops
Main Guest Speaker for “Awakening the Field” Symposium (2021)
Main Guest Speaker for the first Applied Systemic Psychology Symposium in China (2018)
Main Guest Speaker for the first Systemic Constellation Charity Summit (2017)
Chairman of the first Asian Conference of Systemic Constellation (2006)
Chairman of the second Asian Conference of Systemic Constellation (2008)
Invited to deliver speeches and provide counseling services to various communities locally and overseas
Overseas: Systemic Constellation Conference in the United States, Systemic Constellation Conference in Germany, The First Applied Systemic Psychology Symposium in China, Public Lecture on Fukushima Radiation in Japan, Community Outreach Systemic Constellation Workshop in Africa and Nigeria.
Local: Tri-Service General Hospital, National Taiwan University, Wanfang Hospital Psychiatry Department, Social Work Office,Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, Training programsb/workshops for teachers, National Special Education Center etc.
Published Works
HOLO-WISDOM: The Theories and Practices of One to One Systemic Constellation and Online Constellation, Love and Reconciliation, Systemic Family Constellation: Core Principles and Training Practices, Beyond a Child's Mind
Audiovisual Publications (Out of Print): Family Trauma and Healing: Application of Systemic Constellation in Life Education, Great Conflict: Application of Systemic Constellation in Families, Interpersonal and Inner Conflicts, I let you go, with love, The Miracle of Couples: The selection of Asian Chinese husband and wife
Book Translations and Editing
Translation - Love's Hidden Symmetry: What Makes Love Work in Relationships (Author: Bert Hellinger)
Editing - Invisible Dynamics (Author: Klaus P. Horn、Regine Brick)