After a severe shock or medical procedure, especially if anesthesia was used, unusual behaviors in your child may indicate trauma. Compulsive, repetitive actions, such as continuously crashing a toy car into a doll, often indicate unresolved traumatic events. Other signs of trauma-related stress include:
• Stubborn or controlling behavior
• Regression to earlier behaviors, such as thumb-sucking
• Anger and uncontrollable outbursts of rage
• Hyperactivity
• Being easily startled
• Frequent night terrors or nightmares
• Kicking and thrashing in sleep
• Bedwetting
• Inability to concentrate at school and forgetfulness
• Being overly aggressive or overly shy, withdrawn, or very fearful
• Clinginess and a strong need for attachment
• Stomach aches, headaches, or other unexplained ailments
To determine if unusual behavior is a trauma response, try bringing up the past event that scared your child and observe their reaction. A traumatized child may not want to hear about the event, or conversely, may become very excited or frightened and cannot stop talking about it.
Extracted from “Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body”
by Peter A. Levine