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「讀懂孩子心世界:系統排列的力量」講座 ~ 活動全程免費
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🎉 活動全程免費 Free Webinar🎉
🌟Understanding Our Children’s Inner World: The Power of Systemic Constellation🌟
🌐 全程中文翻譯 🌐 翻譯老師:曾立芳老師
The webinar will be conducted in English,with Chinese translation provided by Ms 曾立芳 for the entire session.
以系統觀解讀孩子的深層心理, 找出家族與孩子教養之間的關聯性, 幫助每位家長 進入孩子的內心世界!
Learn to understand our children through a systemic perspective and identify the association between family and raising children. This webinar aims to help parents gain a better understanding of their child’s inner world.
Renowned Educator with over 40 years of experience in Systemic Constellation for parent-child relations.
👩🏫 講師Speaker:瑪莉安.法蘭克 Marianne Franke-Gricksch 👩🏫
1942 年在德國慕尼黑出生。在經過 25 年的教學生涯後,開始接受心理治療與家族系統排列的訓練與實務操作。學習過程中深受海靈格系統排列的影響,思索並嘗試將系統觀念傳遞給年經的孩子們。
Marianne was born in Munich, Germany in 1942. After a career in teaching that spanned 25 years, she started receiving training and practical experience in psychotherapy and family constellation. During the learning process, Marianne was deeply influenced by the Hellinger Systemic Constellation and reflected on how to pass on systemic concepts to the younger generation. Currently, Marianne has her own private clinic that offers psychotherapy and family therapy. In addition, she is currently one of the renowned instructors leading family constellation, and offers group and individual consultations.
🎤 講座主持人Host of the Webinar:易蘭珍 Ms Yi, Lanzhen 🎤
道石教育執行長 CEO of TAOS Academy
📚 講座資訊 Details of Webinar📚
📅 日期 Date:2024/03/14
⏰ 時間 Time:19:30 - 21:00
📍 地點 Venue:ZOOM 線上直播會議室 Online Zoom meeting
請至少提早 10 分鐘入場 Please login 10 minutes before the webinar starts.
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