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Pan Pan#117

Pan Pan#117

blue-green/Red, called Pan, is almost the manifestation of the Fairy Queen's companion, this beautiful moment (11moon11day) for us there are so many developments, gateways to existence, and11It has always been a door.


The spirit in nature manifests in dynamic form, the spirit of nature is contained within all trees, plants, crystals, gemstones and within ourselves; in fact, the spirit of nature can exist anywhere. Teal has always been a major expression of creativity and an expression of journey. In my opinion, this creativity really reaches the earth when it is associated with red. We can be creative, we can begin to understand our thoughts and feelings, our existence and how they shape reality. In a way, this bottle will help everyone take responsibility for their inner journey in ways that go beyond expectations or diversions. We also think strongly about teal in relation to our personalized journey, as more and more waves of consciousness become available to us on Earth, as if allowing us to be grounded in a more succinct way.


The poet Shelley once wrote about the musical competition between Pan and Apollo. In Greece, Apollo was the god of music, and Pan was considered the god of country music, nature, the wilderness, the shepherd and the god of the mountains – his creativity came from the senses. Pan's clarinet further expresses this natural beauty and is felt with the senses rather than the intellect.


The half-human, half-goat pan is also often associated with sex, with genitals often visible. When we look at the underlying red color, there is no way to deny this sexual or kundalini energy.


Red energy is often associated with anger, and interestingly,Panic(Panic) is from Pan's rage when he woke up from his nap (Pan's rage) come. Waking up from a deep sleep, waking up from a dream, waking up from another state of being is usually accompanied by a feeling of anger, anger, a feeling of not being one's own (wake up gas?), because when we face the strange, the nothingness or emptiness, and begin to awaken, this combination does bring us into another consciousness that does have the potential for awakening.


17Century philosopher Baru Spinoza published many theoretical works on divinity. Many people call him the father of pantheism. This spirit is worthy of respect and recognition in its essence. In our time, it must be revived . Elf Queen and Pan really appeal to us in this reevaluation.


Today, Mercury will pass directly through the Sun, while it will take five and a half hours to pass through the Sun1/194, so weather permitting, a telescope with a solar filter is required to see it. The last time Mercury passed the sun was at2016Year5month, while in2006years ago. Mercury transits per century on average13Second-rate.


Mercury is our key sign for communication, the upper layer of Pan-Teal is likewise reflective, while Pan's lower layer - analytical and intellectual as well as expressive energy - comes from red. This bottle helps us express our deeper feelings from within ourselves.

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