Archangel Israfel#112
color:Turquoise/Mid-Tone Royal Blue
When mixed together:medium dark blue
Energy Center:Fifth center (throat chakra)
theme:Helps to receive and uncover the gift of full possession in life
Highlights of this bottle:According to legend, Israphael was a very active and strong archangel who gave physical form to the creative aspects of the Universal Law, just like a man/woman god/Goddess, and creativity expressing inner communication through music, or celebrating through dance. When we open our hearts, our souls can more easily appreciate the voice of Archangel Israphael expressing the words in music, which is why people are often moved by what music and songs have to say.
B112It can also be said that it is helping us remove ignorance and ignorance, and remove obstacles that stand in our way. The concept of overcoming obstacles ahead is also interconnected with dragons, we can think of it this way, Archangel Israphael removes any negativity in the energy of the dragon, and at the same time can feel the deep connection with Archangel Michael link. Archangel Israphael is the newer angel in the ranks of Archangels who supports the possibility of helping us to bring out our truest nature and bring superior authenticity into our lives.
One of the highly appreciated qualities of Archangel Israphael is the ability to help us receive and uncover the gifts we have in our lives to the full. Now is the time to see the magnificence of these gifts that we have asked for and been given, especially in our creativity, to help us express it, and let that creativity flow and flow through all that we do and all we are. The goal, an awakening that brings us to "I am."
We also know Archangel Israphael is also related to the center of the Aura-Soma system that helps us build our light bodies and the alchemy that forms our inner golden blocks, helping us to foresee all that we are after It's not all easy.
Application area:throat.
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