Echo / Echo #118
echo/ Echo
light coral/ lavender
In times of turmoil, the arrival of Echo (Goddess of Iko in Greek mythology) can support us in finding our inner nugget, loving ourselves and letting go of our fears.
When we look at Pale Coral, we immediately think of unrequited love and the story of Narcissus, the god of daffodils. Narcissus, the daffodil god known for falling in love with her own reflection, was the object of love of the nymph Echo. Narcissus once went hunting, and when he was lost and lonely, he called out to his friends, "Where are you?" Aiko, who followed him into the forest, saw a chance to get close to him, but she could only Repeating his words, in desperation, Aiko ran to Nahisus and threw herself into his arms, but was rejected, her love was not reciprocated.
Many years ago, Hera, wife of Zeus, listened to Icho's voice because she was jealous of Icho's clear way of speaking and her husband's visits to the nymph. To avoid being captured by the jealous Hera, Zeus told Icho to intercept his wife with a golden tongue, and when Hera realized what Icho was doing, she stole Icho's voice and cursed that Icho could only repeat what she heard , also because of Hera's actions, Aiko lost the ability to express love to Nahisus.
Pan (117) is often used to boasting among the fairies or goddesses of the time, but he fell deeply in love with Aiko, who did not feel the same way, and Pan's love was not reciprocated. Pan is so angry at her rejection that he instructs the shepherds to tear Aiko into pieces. Gaia, the mother of the earth who witnessed everything, knew what happened to Hera and Nahisus, and was full of sympathy for Iko who was murdered for refusing Pan's request. Gaia, the mother of the earth, decided to commemorate Iko and her golden voice throughout her life, leaving a small piece of her in every corner of the earth, in the wind, in the trees, and even in the dark cold caves, so Wherever we hear the echo, we will remember Gaia's sympathy for Iko, and at the same time remind all beings on earth of the sympathy they should have for all beings and each other.
When we think about this story of love Kou and Pale Coral's unrequited love, apply it to our own situation, and think about when our love is most unrequited, we may find that it is often inside of us. We find it hard to love ourselves when we bring a lot of judgment on ourselves. By becoming more aware of unrequited love, having more compassion for ourselves and stopping judging ourselves, we can become more aware in our relationship with ourselves, which happens all too easily and too often in this In this judgmental critique, we disown ourselves and fragment ourselves.
I feel that the process of making Pan with Aiko has a synchronicity and deepening from the beginning. Through Pan, we are strengthened with the spiritual power of nature. Now we can see another aspect of Pan in this fragmentation of the bottle and Aiko, a potential beyond unrequited love.
This can be resolved on different levels: lavender is always a deep transformation. This transformation is related to the master St. Germain and is also a cellular transformation. Human beings have fear and self-deception in the face of their own real situation, so the kind of fear in the complementary light yellow of lavender spreads all over the world in a more intense form like a plague. This fear has become a global phenomenon because it is compounded by all the different thoughts and opinions extended by the media and social media through all mediums. A collective sense of fear affects almost everyone, and this is where pale yellow and complementary lavender provide the antidote.
In the story of Iko, what makes Hera take away Iko's voice and restrict the goddess of gold tongue to repeat others' words, it has to do with Iko speaking with inner gold, which makes her unique and attracts Zeus goodwill. The golden yellow color is very important to the birth of the bottle, although the golden yellow color is not directly visible, it can be definitely seen through numerology.
Pale coral over mauve is the inverse of the Archangel Sander bottle, which is like an echo of something from the past. balance oil98The number bottle reminds us of Ms Vicky's partner, Ms Margaret, and how she, through humility, assisted in promotingAura-SomaWork hard all over the world. I often think about the seven years I spent with Vicky and then another seven years with Ms Margaret after she died and I was supported by Ms Vicky for seven years and then with Ms Margaret of seven years. I think14It is not irrelevant to where we are now and the energies of this time, which was prophesied by Ms.Aura-SomaNeeded more than ever. This year2020Year,B20The balance oil "Star Child" has appeared repeatedly, and the return journey of Star Child is98Archangel Sandwind, it seems no coincidence.
Our caring, warmth, compassion and love can allow us to create a different space for the "fear" that we create on the outside. We have always said that love and fear cannot exist in the same space and an increased awareness of this will aid in the growth of the light body and be the antidote for these troubled times.
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