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El Morya #050

El Morya #050

color: Light blue/light blue

when mixed together:light blue

energy center: The fifth energy center (throat chakra)


theme: From now on get ready to live in harmony with the whole of existence

positive personality: To be a selfless pioneer living in harmony with one's purpose, destiny and soul. Trust in God and life. Spirituality is highly evolved; His love flows into the world. Talented in various communication skills. There are studies in numerology and astrology. Have a clear mind. Forgives easily (self and others); can feel great joy. Can be in direct contact with the subconscious mind without being influenced by other factors.


Aspects that can be improved: I haven't overcome my deep bond with my father in the past. May have been subjected to psychological violence (some degree of brainwashing, not necessarily from the father). Often need care from others. See everything in life in a negative light. I can't be at peace with myself and feel disconnected from my cultural roots. Is someone who gets stuck on every level.


spiritual level: Make faith more real, meaning present what you really believe. Bring inspiration and connection with spirituality into your life mission. To connect God's will with personal will. Helping you to open to the light and to the new realities of life that fit our modern times.


psychological level: Aids in the integration of the masculine side of the personality and helps balance an overly analytical mind. It helps you see the facts and maintain balance when there are issues of authority.


emotional level: Inspires deep peace and self-forgiveness. Balance extreme emotions. Let go of stuck energies, especially those related to speaking and communication.


physical level: Balance thyroid gland; especially help children with sore throat. Has a cooling and calming effect in extremely diverse environments.


Application area: Around the entire throat.


convinced: Your will will be done through me.

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