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The Birth of Venus #034

The Birth of Venus #034

color: Pink/Blue Green

when mixed together: Pink sprinkled on lavender

energy center: The first and fourth energy centers (root chakra and heart chakra)


theme: Integrating different layers of personality

positive personality: A person who is self-sufficient in all aspects of life. Needs no outside help, is self-reliant, has inner strength. Can give and receive deep love. No matter what happens, it will not deviate from the right track of life. Once traveled a long way, now near the end of the mystery quest. Loves the ocean and may be involved in a sailing career.


Aspects that can be improved: Always experience disappointment, but don't learn from it. Distrust inner guidance. It's cheap to sell yourself and get lost in fantasy. Unable to see the truth of the matter. Nor is it possible to live an authentic life and withdraw from it. Can lose their minds with enthusiasm.


spiritual level: Help you understand the mysteries of life and love, and help you reappear the mysteries deep in your soul. It can be used as a guardian during the "inner journey".


psychological level: To promote the balance between the male and female parts of the personality, so as to generate love for each other.

emotional level: Help you open your heart. Especially recommended for those who want to start developing love. Release the pain of the past and bring joy. Help you stand up.


Application area: Mainly apply around the heart. For dream interpretation, apply along the hairline.


convinced:I am who i am.

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