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Female Leadership #091

Female Leadership #091

color: Olive Green/Olive Green

when mixed together: olive green

energy center: Third and fourth energy centers (solar plexus and heart chakra)

theme: Developing Qualities of Female Leadership


positive personality: A leader who truly acts with his "heart". Bringing spiritual things into the world and making them accessible in the physical world. Is an abstract thinker and scientific occultist deeply connected to my emotional side. Not afraid to show your scars and vulnerable parts. Is a man of great experience. Love the truth, be optimistic, be pragmatic, and care about how to create a better world. The spirit of sacrificing the ego to accomplish the greater ego. Live a life of simplicity and humility, where everything goes as it pleases. Some felt he was too direct.


Aspects that can be improved: Living in emotional distress. Fear disturbs his equanimity, lack of joy; chasing his projections instead of really looking inward. I often feel pain, thinking that life is not given enough and should be better. Feeling dissatisfied because of lack of successful experience. Jealous of people who are better off than him.


spiritual level: Helps integrate your knowledge and memory and bring them to a practical level. To stimulate a deep understanding of the laws of nature, the harmony of nature and the underlying patterns of nature.


psychological level: Help you to know the direction of life. Increased hope and ability to make decisions. For people with phobias and those who have some hidden sexual fears. Eliminate less criticism of others.


emotional level: Help you find the space you need to enjoy life. Eliminate fears related to the emotional side, especially when it comes to expressing your emotions. Support those who want to be more relaxed and want to "let go".


Application area: Entire chest, around the stomach and abdomen.


convinced: Hope is my way. I trust the process of life.

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